The INTJ is the rarest of all personality types, making up only 2% of the population. Although the INTJ is one of the rarest, they are often the most successful; drawn to solitude and retrospection, but also exceptionally capable and successful because of it.

INTJs are often called "the masterminds" or "the architects". They are curious and love to learn new things. They are very independent and always strive to do what they believe is the best thing for themselves and others.

The INTJ personality is one of the most misunderstood of all personality types, but also one of the most successful. This is because INTJs are extremely driven to pursue careers that align with their unique abilities and interests.

INTJs are introverted, meaning they spend time alone rather than in groups. They are intuitive, meaning they look for hidden patterns and connections to understand the world around them. They are thinking, meaning they use logic to make decisions and solve problems. Finally, INTJs are judging, meaning they like order in their lives and use their judgment to decide what's best for them.

Because of these four traits, INTJs can be difficult for people without an INTJ personality type to understand.

INTJs have a tendency to be perfectionists who strive for excellence in all that they do. They have high expectations for themselves and for others around them which can sometimes make them difficult to work with.



INTJs are drawn to the world of ideas and enjoy spending time there. Which is why they would be happy to live a solitary life on an island where they could think all day, study all they want, and be free from the distractions that plague so many other people.

They may struggle to express themselves creatively. They might be so focused on following the rules that they become boring. They may not notice when they’re hungry, or how tired they are. However, while everyone else is in a rush, this personality type may slow down to smell and admire the roses.

They may not enjoy being around large groups of people. They’ll gravitate toward quiet areas during parties.

INTJs are rare individuals who are extremely open-minded and able to interpret depth of thought on almost all topics. But they remain private about most of their thoughts and ideas. This type is the most likely to be open to interpret anything.

While INTJs may not always choose the role of leader, it is often something they are skilled at. They wait to see who steps up to the plate and then offer their best advice in an advisory role, they can be rewarded for their advice, because they don’t have to worry about being in the spotlight. They are excellent at giving the right advice and helping people move forward in the right direction. They have a strong sense of the future and how to bring about the results they desire, which makes them very useful advisors. However, if no one steps up with the right ideas, then the INTJ will step up and take on a leadership role. One reason INTJs make good leaders is because they believe and practice meritocracy.

INTJ leaders are a rare breed and often become exhausted by the constant social interaction that comes with being in charge. They can also become drained from having to tend to others and make sure they are doing things right all of the time.

People with this architect personality tend to be among the most ambitious and visionary thinkers. They are also often known for their daring creativity and determination. During introverted or alone time, this type will typically be painting mental pictures and turning their thoughts into reality. This personality also believes that limitations are a product of one’s mind, and that everyone is only as great as their thoughts.

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